International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

Operation “A 1000 researchers in schools” with the AFM-Téléthon

This year, our school took part in the operation “A 1000 researchers in schools”, organized by the AFM-Téléthon. On November 20th 2015 and on this occasion, students of 3eA, 3eB (G9/Y10) and or 1ère (G11/Y12) have met M. Amédée Mollard , researcher in genetics at the Myology Institut (Hospital of the Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris). His work concerns the optimization of a therapy (therapeutic exon skipping) related to a rare genetic disease called the Duchenne muscular dysthrophy.

The researcher offered to students an educational presentation (under the form of diapositives and short films) with the following themes:

– Reminder on the basics of genetic (DNA)
– genetic diseases
– great principles of gene therapies and cellular therapies
– his job (his work, his researches, his goals, his work environement, his tools…),
– works of researchers…

The students asked many questions.

This presentation was a practical application of the genetics class and has allwed, as part of the reflexion of all students towards their future educational career, to discover these reserachers’ jobs.