International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

Training course Elementary educational team

06/03/2024 - 08:00 - 18:00


Dear parents,

The educational team of Elementary School (from CP to CM2) will follow a 2-day training course to keep on working on the motivation scheme and accompany students in their personal and school development. This year, students will go further in their reflection on their role, their relation to authority and different evolutions of society. 

For that job to be done, it is necessary to mobilize complementary time in addition to the times already dedicated to teamwork outside of presence time of children. Thus, there will be no classes on Wednesday, October 11 2023, and Wednesday, March 6 2024. The teams will work on site but The welcoming of students of other educational entities (Nursery, Lower and Upper Secondary Schools) will happen as usual.

For all families that can, we advise you to keep your children of Primary at home. For those who would not be able to keep them at home, we will organize a daycare on site with supervisors, from 8.30 to 12.00.

The school restaurant will work as usual for students enrolled and present in school. The half-boarding will be deducted from the bills for the students that will not be present.

Extracurricular activities will work normally for Elementary School.