International and French School
Multilingual Teaching
Lyon & Savoie

Category: Sports

09Feb Training course for UGSEL gymnastics official judge LILLY, student of Ombrosa Caluire, followed the official UGSEL training course that took place on… Learn more 02May Gym competition - UGSEL territory French Championship UGSEL “Territoire” in Saint-Romain-en-Gal on April 3rd, 2024. Our students have reached amazing… Learn more 04Jul Elementary school's Sports Day July 4th was the Elementary school’s annual Sports Day event! Sack races, rounders, Zumba, “chariot”… Learn more 27Jun Sports Day Tuesday June 27 was the school Sports Day ! Athletics/Basketball/Gym/Football…students gave their all in the… Learn more 31Mar Football for girls and boys in the Lycée If you are interested in discovering the sportsmanship that is shared at the heart of… Learn more 29Jun UGSEL National Championship Our students offered some amazing gymnastics performances during the UGSEL National Championship that took place… Learn more 23Jun CE2 Hockey Tournament The CE2’s participated in a hockey tournament organized by FCL Hockey in Caluire. It was… Learn more 10Jun Rugby Tournament of Ombrosa Primary School Each year, the CE2, CM1 and CM2 classes have a Rugby season under the coordination… Learn more 03May Gender equity project As part of our yearly project on gender equity, about twenty students of troisième enjoyed… Learn more 20Oct Climbing session for the CM1 and CM2 classes of Savoie On September 30th, students of CM1 (G4/Y5) and CM2 (G5/Y6) went climbing at La Zipette… Learn more 10Jun Rugby Tournament for CM1 and CM2 classes On June 07th, CM1 (G4/Y5) and CM2 (G5/Y6) classes ended this school-year with a rugby… Learn more 05Feb An Outing in the Snow for CE1 and CE2 Voglans Pupils from CE1 and CE2 in Voglans spent two days in the ski resort of… Learn more 17Oct In school rugby tournament The CE2 pupils (G3/Y4) participated in an in school rugby tournament this Monday. After practicing… Learn more